Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse wouldn’t quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. That one is a classic… words to live by to be sure. Grit after all is the single most important ingredient for any sustainable success story. However the story that got me thinking came to me a few days back and this too had two mice in it. I don’t have the exact text anymore but this is essentially what it said: “There […]
Monthly Archives: January 2020
2 posts
an old friend and I were having a discussion, apparently our ideologies differ. She asked me these questions: what did JNU so called students do? Explain what’s wrong with CAA or 370 When tax payers properties get vandalised by demonstrations, bolly doesn’t come out n speak rt? My answer as usual was a little too long for a WhatsApp conversation. Turned it into a post here which I feel needed to be said regardless of the fact that I had decided to not speak about these topics for a pretty long time (almost 6 years now)… here goes. nothing is […]