the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way… we all know it’s a small world. Just that we rarely realize how small.
Sixteen years back we got married… after having known each other for a good nine years… a couple of days, after the wedding at the Bandra court and a get together at the in-laws place, we organized a reception for friends and family. The reception was at one of the bigger hotels, at the time, in our vicinity. Since it was a self funded thing I kind of still remember each and every detail of the whole affair including the menu discussions with the owner of the establishment and his kind suggestions that eventually made it onto the menu… the mutton roganjosh that was served at the dinner was exquisite. Friends and family to this day comment on the good food… another few days later there was a party which Sonalis’ office colleagues had organized… I remember the heart warming introduction to her colleagues most of whom were already good friends of mine as well… Sonali still works at the same place the company is about a thousand times bigger now.

Four years back we moved into this house that we call home because we had always wanted a house with a view of the sea… today I found out how connected everything is…
Earlier today on the society whatsapp group a neighbor, one floor up in the adjoining wing sent a message announcing the opening of their new restaurant… my first reaction was mangwaayengey! Then Sonali saw a message congratulating the new venture of Abbot hotel on the same group. That set off bells in the head… the reception that Sonali and I had organized 16 years back was at Abbot Hotel!
We live on the 20th floor and on the 19th floor stays Shetty uncle. The office party which Sonalis’ colleagues from office had organized was at Supreme Heritage. Shetty Uncle is the owner of Supreme Heritage! We found out about that while dropping off the kids at his grand daughters birthday party at Supreme Heritage… small world indeed…
Serendipity, when it hits you :).