Random musings…
The ones that got written down.

s’long 2020

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
I finally understand what that means. 2020 is over, or will be over in a few hours for the parts of the world where it isn’t yet. Widely panned as the worst year ever I feel there is still some redemption possible for the poor sod. A few minutes back I witnessed the most unspectacular sunset of my life, the last of this year. It made me think “this wasn’t as strongly destructive an year as we all think it was”. In fact I believe it’s been one of those curve balls that life throws at humans which look like disasters but are actually opportunities. The proverbial silver linings.

In-spite of all the devastation, misery, destitution and helplessness that this year threw at us most of us are still here to tell the story. That is huge or “EEEEEYUUUGHE!” as that disaster-in-chief from the far west would proclaim. S’long sucker 20 more days and you too shall be duly deposited in the dustbin of history (all the tantrums in the world…. oh boy) . It’s years like these and people like the ones leading governments in most of the modern world today that are inadvertently and unintentionally bringing humans closer to collaborate, forget about the differences and unite against those who try to highlight differences.

This year taught us that we had made our lives too much more complicated than we needed to and I hope this lesson is not easily forgotten. The Internet was designed for a purpose and this year has shown us that purpose, the reason. Traditional classrooms are redundant virtual works as well minus the bullying, children adapt way better than grown ups, fixed desk offices are over hyped and seriously not required, ever, everyone can cook they just need to be hungry enough. Social interactions are now more a matter of whenever you want to and not mandatory circus that you have to indulge in. Less suddenly is more and optimization is the key to harmony. Optimize everything before jumping to the next. Build to solve a problem not just because you can.

Here’s to a new year that comes with a lot of new promises. I wish the lessons from the year gone by are never forgotten and life as we knew it pre-2020 changes forever . “Why hello 2021, How you doin?”

The spectacularly mediocre sunset on the last day of a spectacularly weird year… kind of befitting end to 2020

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