Random musings…
The ones that got written down.

sorry, not sorry

A few days back we were having a discussion and I was getting bulldozed, as usual… the girls on one side and me on the other. So the topic of discussion was how the elder one is slowly picking up on my trait of never saying sorry. I don’t ever apologize, even if I am in the wrong, or so I am told… I was sticking to my guns… no I do not say sorry, that’s just not one of the things I do. Needless to say I slept on the couch the kids slept with mamma…

Today while under the shower it came to me… the reason I do not ever apologize… I mean yeah I have never really thought about it, as in I know I do not apologize ever, but then I’ve never really tried to figure out why not… now I know… I guess. Not sure if it’s right or wrong then again who really does know what is right or wrong.

So the thought was “You should never say sorry unless you mean it, and if you mean it there is, usually, no need to say it because they know“… Somehow I guess in a non-conformist, uncultured manner that is what makes sense to me. What’s the point of mouthing a word if it means nothing to you and what’s the point of having to mouth just a word when your whole being apologizes, those who need the apology understood they got one and if they don’t well then they’ve already moved on and your saying anything isn’t really going to change that, the trust is gone, sorry ain’t gonna fix that.

So yeah there… as for the elder one being a carbon copy of me… what have we done, desh ki jantaa maaf nahin karegi! “You should never say sorry unless you mean it, and if you mean it there is, usually, no need to say it because they know

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