It was the night before Christmas…. 50 years they had been together. Roy had no regrets…. well maybe the thought that he could have should have had a fling or two on the side…. but then that was not exactly a regret just a thought… Kyra was in no way inadequate on the contrary she had been the one who had rescued him from certain disaster in more ways than one, turned his life around multiple times and always for the better… in fact only last night she had given him a haircut… It was probably just that remanant of […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
What is it about our nation that has the whole world salivating over it? I was thinking about something else in the shower when this question came to me…. the answer is pretty obvious, in fact if I were to open the window to let in some air it’d be staring me in my face…. numbers…. we are a nation that has so much population that it has become the root cause of all problems….. infrastructure is clogged even before you can get to the drafting table with up-gradation plans leave alone actually upgrading it to take on the volumes….. […]
A short story that I made up on the go while trying to put the kids to sleep last night…. (and now its on repeat play) Once upon a time there was a baby monkey, lets call him Monku. this picture is for representational purposes only…. no relationship with the real Monku…. oh and no animals were actually hurt/tested or harmed for the writing of this story :))His parents were a worried lot because he was five years old and he did not speak properly. In his class at school also the teachers and his fellow students had given up […]