today’s been a fun day…. I received a package from China, a replacement for the window switch for my car, it’s a Ford Fusion which was rare while it was still around and now that it’s been discontinued for over 5 years it’s parts are rarer and costlier still…. so anyway my fusion buddies (fellow enthusiasts) discovered that Aliexpress stocks parts for our cars and I being the fool (who rushes in where devils fear to tread) went ahead and placed an order for the switch… so yeah that arrived and within 5 minutes of signing off the couriers manifest […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
Monku was growing up to be an exceptionally inquisitive and smart monkey. He loved to read and what he didn’t understand he would go and ask grandpa, dad or mom, sometimes all three. So he was reading this book which talked of leprechauns and how they hide pots of gold at the ends of rainbows. Monku wasn’t so convinced so he went and asked gramps, “is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?”. Gramps thought about it for a second and then said “no, but then no one has seen the end of a rainbow either”. […]
with no brakes….. Growing up we used to read ideals handed down to humanity by thought leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, some of the doyens of human civilisation….. prominent amongst them were the ideas of equality, freedom, restraint, team work, living within means, elimination of greed, focus on intellectual growth rather than materialism and more such…. all important ingredients to a stable, peaceful co-existence with our fellow human beings. For decades these ideals, these ideas have served humanity well. They have helped keep us all together and helped us stay, broadly speaking, peacefully sane. These ideals somehow are […]
Thoughts become things think about what you want and not about what you do not want in your life say yes to what you want If you do not like something don’t say “no” to it instead think of what you want instead and say yes to that. For instance if you do not want poverty do not say you do not want poverty instead say I want plentifullness. Focus on what is good in your life and appreciate it everyday do not let a situation anger you or disturb you as all that is achieved by being disturbed/angered by […]
One of my very frequently revisited tenet of life is “if you want it done right do it yourself”. Today we want perfection in everything however are we doing our bit to make it a perfect world for ourselves? The thought was triggered by a recent tirade by a dear friend. He was worried about the mushrooming slums in the vicinity. This is Mumbai here slums rub shoulders with 40+ storey buildings… slums that house the huge support staff. Our maids, drivers, painters, plumbers, security guards, dry cleaners, istree waala… everyone who makes sure we are able to live comfortably […]
Monku was 7 years old now and fast growing into a rebellious pre-teen like so many others in his age group. He questioned everything and never agreed to anything without a trade. Dad was growing increasingly anxious and impatient with the boy. This was a time when things could go horribly wrong or beautifully right for a growing monkey kid. Like every morning the day began early. At the breakfast table though it was only dad and son as mom had left last evening to visit the grandparents. Dad moved the glass of chocolate milk in front of Monku and […]