an old someone-from-school sent that image on the school group recently…. my response as expected was an over reaction…. thought provoking…. I usually do not make sense to most people but then anyway here goes (my two cents as usual)… “depends on what one considers cheating…. with fitness there are rest days as well as reward diet days…. of course it’s difficult to see how those would work in a marriage context…. but then again it need not be such hard work either…. after a point marriage like fitness like marriage (yes that repetition was intentional) becomes a habit and […]
Monthly Archives: January 2017
On what’s going on in the world today….. you see it’s a strategy…. earlier the right wingers (both in America and in India) used to point to an enemy in a different country-region-people (Pakistan always for India and the middle east for America… always Muslims). That yielded a rich dividend for them as the gullible eat-up-all-the-shit-that’s-dished-out-by-the-government-idiot population used to lap up the nationalistic pride argument and happily support every act of terrorism that the state indulged in using the military. Today it’s becoming increasingly difficult to wage those wars outside. You never know who is sitting on a nuclear bomb. […]
“What’s sex got to do with love?” …”money, the real sort, is silent, all five letters”.. couple of my oft repeated phrases…. couple of the more controversial ones as well. I recently did some degree of reflection on these “to live life by” rules of mine and the new realisation, interpretation is heart warming if anything… reiterates my other inherent belief “good people always win”. Sex has nothing to do with love, at all. It is as mundane and trivial a physical interaction as say shaking hands. Standalone at least that’s how “huge” sex is. You might as well be […]