Heard that jio has launched an immersive technology product that will allow immersive 3D experience…. Nice. How though will it help poor old me? I have to get the leaking tap in the kitchen repaired but parts are not available due to covid lock down. So I wash utensils and run the washing machine simultaneously and at other times shut off the water supply from mains. I have to get milk cartons but none are available at Reliance mart or quickmart or elsewhere…. They said because of the lockdown supply is not coming, the last time I was able to […]
Yearly Archives: 2020
So as is customary another shower another brainwave… Lately a lot of noise is being created online about extremely inflated electricity bills. Some people have been billed more than double of what they had been billed last month. At first blush it looked like a case of a systemic malfunction. However then I noticed that the bill for my 3BHK house, which is occupied by a tenant, was 70 bucks only. The tenant has been in Bangaluru for the past 3 months now, living with his parents through the lock-down so the house has been practically empty. That is when […]
Adding 0.7ml of acetone per liter of fuel in the tank of your car will ensure you have smooth cold starts, smooth idling, better fuel burn, better mileage, better pickup and generally much better injector health on your car… if you put more than that you might end up with cleaner injector health however the rest of the benefits will fall away, if you put in less all the other benefits stay (depends on how much lesser)… essentially less is more. This is voodoo science which I have found very accurate over the 400K kms that I’ve driven over the […]
We're all locked up at our homes supposedly helping the world fight the invisible enemy. This is a nice global detox that is working or at least should be working at so many levels.
Cisco bought Webex when Eric was still a part of the core team at Webex and then Eric went on to work at Cisco on the same product. Essentially he is someone who is deeply trusted not just by his close circle of colleagues, employers at Cisco and friends but also by exceedingly smart investors who would not give him all those millions without doing a proper analysis of his bona-fides and trusting him.
Before the Covid-19 related exponential growth in numbers Zoom was more widely used for office communications, yes you heard it right secure office communications. The only China connection that Zoom has is the owner who is an American citizen of Chinese origin. He built it so he could be closer to his girl friend.
Ramlal was the owner of a decently sized grocery store in one of the tony areas in town. People from different parts of the city would visit his store. The reason they came was because Ramlal had two sons, Ratanlal and Sanju and both of these boys were globetrotters. They would go to different parts of the world and they would source some of the most exotic stuff from these places at very cheap rates, since they were good at negotiating. They would then have the shipments delivered to dad’s shop and also setup the supply chain for repeat orders. […]
A new virus was going around and the world was in lock-down. Rouchen was all alone at home since he was not allowed to go out with his parents and didi had not come in today because the world was on lock-down. Mummy and Papa had stepped out for ten minutes, they wanted to go pick up milk, bread, curd and assorted stuff. They had to go because didi had not come to work today usually she was the one who did all the procurement. Also mamma did not like the idea of sending out dad alone for these grocery […]
Covid-19 is here and it is slowly settling in for the long haul. Humanity and life as we know it is at stake. What brought us here though? I feel it was abject greed and materialism that has landed us in this situation where we are living in fear of an unknown future. There are different theories about how the virus made the jump from animals to humans. One theory is that it originated in an unhygenic wet market in China. The question to ponder upon is “why in this age and time are wet markets still a thing?”. Poverty […]
Good continues on it’s righteous path because Good knows no other way to be. Bad is busy being gluttonously self serving because well bad has no real option. Good knows that it’s being taken advantage of, knows that there is a world outside of it’s own beautiful cocoon but Good is not yet ready to take flight, Good is in it’s own selfish way happy being good. Bad knows that what it’s doing is wrong on multiple levels and yet bad carries on in some cases because of inertia and in most cases because of the belief that there’s only […]
Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse wouldn’t quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. That one is a classic… words to live by to be sure. Grit after all is the single most important ingredient for any sustainable success story. However the story that got me thinking came to me a few days back and this too had two mice in it. I don’t have the exact text anymore but this is essentially what it said: “There […]
an old friend and I were having a discussion, apparently our ideologies differ. She asked me these questions: what did JNU so called students do? Explain what’s wrong with CAA or 370 When tax payers properties get vandalised by demonstrations, bolly doesn’t come out n speak rt? My answer as usual was a little too long for a WhatsApp conversation. Turned it into a post here which I feel needed to be said regardless of the fact that I had decided to not speak about these topics for a pretty long time (almost 6 years now)… here goes. nothing is […]