Achieving and arriving is the end game everyone is interested in… the waiting and working towards it is something that makes them feel it’s all futile…. Many years back I came to Bombay, when it was not yet Mumbai… I think the year was 1999. I came from Bhubaneswar to drop off my girlfriend at the time at her parents’ home here… I had kind of disappeared from my own home without telling my parents about it… they thought I was crashing for the week at the hostel with my other class mates… It had started off pretty normally, our […]
the future is an ever shifting goal post and aiming to land the ball into that highly unpredictable target is akin to gambling… it would be infinitely better to focus on playing than worrying about the scoring… scoring will happen once your game improves and your game will improve only through focusing on the many variables like fitness, clarity of thought, strength, perception of the opponent, grit, developing sportsmanship… essentially no one scores by just focusing on the net theres a lot more that goes into it sometimes also the hand of God. Artificial Intelligence, that mother of all fuck […]
guys this is a threat to us we will be extinct if we allow these women to talk strongly... come vote for me I'll ensure your toys are never in short supply and no one forces you to take a bath
It’s like ITC Grand Maratha calling me up and saying “sir I know you did not have coffee at our establishment these past twelve years but then we need to pay the flower decoration wala, the waiters, the barista and so many more people… we know you passed by a few months back and since the aroma of our coffee was in the air around our premises why don’t you send us 1500 bucks for the notional coffee that you had”
Everything is alright and if it's not then it's probably not everything that there is... look here's some good coffee, on the house, now run on along and don't complain about the rain...
So the cook needed yogurt for preparing bhature and I was told to go and get it… after all it was my idea to make chole-bhature for lunch… After kicking myself for giving smart ideas I stepped out to go to the dairy and fetch the yogurt. Kids refused to come along because their classes were on and anyway it was very bright and sunny outside besides they knew I wouldn’t take the car… So here I was on my own making the treacherous trip to the dairy… On the way I spotted a goat herd (or would it be […]
Coding! The new age moms mantra for her kids. All of a sudden all around me I see moms going completely bananas looking for the right size "coding classes" for their kids. It's as if being a geek is super cool all of a sudden.
the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way… we all know it’s a small world. Just that we rarely realize how small. Sixteen years back we got married… after having known each other for a good nine years… a couple of days, after the wedding at the Bandra court and a get together at the in-laws place, we organized a reception for friends and family. The reception was at one of the bigger hotels, at the time, in our vicinity. Since it was a self funded thing I kind of still remember each and […]
In the middle of a sprawling meadow stood a strong old Silver Maple. The tree had been there forever between the crossroads of nowhere and everywhere. It saw everything that went by knew everyone that went past.
So the day is done and the evening is here… today’s headlines will be (disclaimer: I do not watch TV news, ever, and I advice all sane people to never watch TV news… it finds me on WA forwards on groups I cannot leave)1… Times Now unearths 35 graves possibly 50 in China and we chest thump to that (not realizing that a soldiers death is not a reason for chest thumping on either side of the border but grave introspection… who are we turning into that death of other people gives us a reason to feel proud?)2… the SSR […]
That night he slept out in the lawn in a sleeping bag in the tent the window of the tent allowing him to look up at the glowing Santa on the rooftop whenever he felt like it.
the caste system is wrong… we know that today… nepotism is the caste system all over again An exceptionally great doctor I know, the daughter of two exceptionally great doctor parents, has worked hard to keep her children away from the profession. One is an architect now and the other is a media professional. Her reasoning “since the time I was able to understand what they were talking about I have listened to my parents talk in terms of fingers of dilation, now I too am a gynecologist and my day revolves around fingers of dialation, I did not want […]
technological singularity… the machines have taken over… humans are the fuel now. Just kidding humans created the machines we are certainly smarter than the machines and artificial intelligence… that take over did not happen. 2050, that’s 30 years down the road from when the world had to take a break. As I see it that’s 30years of innovation and intellectual growth which humans used very well to figure out where they had gone wrong, we course corrected. Now humans exist in harmony with the rest of the world. The digital footprint has reduced significantly and we do not interfere with […]
the end is never pleasant it's always the best parts with which one should remember people who have gone.
be a little less greedy if you really want to make the world a better place, don't try to help people by giving more, help them by taking less.
Heard that jio has launched an immersive technology product that will allow immersive 3D experience…. Nice. How though will it help poor old me? I have to get the leaking tap in the kitchen repaired but parts are not available due to covid lock down. So I wash utensils and run the washing machine simultaneously and at other times shut off the water supply from mains. I have to get milk cartons but none are available at Reliance mart or quickmart or elsewhere…. They said because of the lockdown supply is not coming, the last time I was able to […]
So as is customary another shower another brainwave… Lately a lot of noise is being created online about extremely inflated electricity bills. Some people have been billed more than double of what they had been billed last month. At first blush it looked like a case of a systemic malfunction. However then I noticed that the bill for my 3BHK house, which is occupied by a tenant, was 70 bucks only. The tenant has been in Bangaluru for the past 3 months now, living with his parents through the lock-down so the house has been practically empty. That is when […]